Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets
Artwork by Casey Johnson


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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome Patric Jones and Naughty Norwegian Nights

We have a new section opened on Between the Sheets called,

Naughty Norwegian Nights which features our newest member of the family, Patric Jones from Norway.

Patric has written a truly wonderfuly story about a young man's first time at experiencing sex.

So please not only welcome Patric to our family but go read his story A Sunny Day For Billy.


It was silent a long time before he heard voices, and 2 women came walking, smiling and found a place to sunbathe. They did as Billy had hoped, they went naked and layed flat on the little sandy spot, right in front of Billy, so he could look at their breasts and asses. Billy felt his cock grow and had to use his hand to adjust it so it layed straight up over the top of his shorts.

After some time the 2 women, Billy thought they had to be close to 40 years, rised to their elbows and started to talk about swimming. Billy saw for the first time 2 pair of mature women, both well equipped on the front, and he saw also that both were shaved between their legs, he just saw the lips making a soft line in between their legs.

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