I started writing poetry at 13, but did not show them to anyone until I was 16 when my 11th grade English teacher asked us to keep a journal that would be graded weekly. I was having trouble coming up with journal entries, so I threw a few poems in here and there. She encouraged me to write more and branch out, so I did. A few short stories, more poems and then my first novel, but I became discouraged and stopped writing when I was 25. I returned to my writing after I went through a divorce, so at 38, here I am writing again. I wrote my first erotic piece in January of this year. I write my dreams, my fantasies, and sometimes the things I have lived. I am currently working on two complete novels, a book of poetry and a book of short stories. I also sing a little and have written some song lyrics. Add in the stories for contests, and yes, I stay very busy. I am yet to be published; well not counting, the work I have on Between the Sheets and The Mistress Journals, but I will be published in print within the next year.
I have to tell you that Chase Storm is an alter ego that protects my children and I from dealing with the ridicule of the self righteous “bible thumpers” in the area where I live. Being born and growing up in the “bible belt” is not conducive to writing erotica. It amazes me that “my second family,” the group of writers I have become so close too over the past 9 months, have helped me grow as a writer more than I ever dreamed I could.
Finally but most importantly, I would like to thank Between the Sheets for honoring me with the privilege of being a guest blogger and introducing myself to you all. After all, you as readers are the reason I write.
Thank you Chase for sharing a bit about yourself and your writing. It has been fascinating reading and I have learned things about you that I was unaware of. For those who are interested in reading any of Chase's work you can find his stories under the Sin Bin and his Poems in Sofa Reading under Poetry for All. http://between-thesheets.co.cc
*bites n kisses*
Vampirique Dezire
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