Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets
Artwork by Casey Johnson


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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Okay darling ones, it is like this.

I am at a bit of a crossroad in regards to my website.

There seems to be no time at the moment to be able to look for new writers who want somewhere to display their stories or poems and we are only receiving one or two stories in about as many weeks.

My deepest thanks to those who have been posting, you have no idea how much I love you all.

So I am going to throw it out to you the readers, the writers, and the critics.
Do we keep the format as is for Between the Sheets or change it over to a forum base so as you can post your own stories, leave remarks etc for those you have read?
Would this make it easier if you are a first timer or a seasoned hand?

I am going to keep this poll open until Monday 23rd August 2010. If I do not get any responses, then I will have to make the choice myself. One I am not looking forward to having to make as they both have merit.

So if you can please leave feedback regarding the poll I would be greatly appreciative.

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