Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets
Artwork by Casey Johnson


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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Story Posted by Vampirique Dezire

Okay darling ones, pick yourselves up off the floor, I have finally finished one I can post in here

The story is called 'Stuart's Story', and it has been written as a birthday present for a friend of mine, Stuart. Unfortunately, it is very late. So please forgive me Stuart.

I suppose you all want to know what the story is about too? Well, lets see. I am not going to tell you! Read the teaser instead. Now don't forget to cc to read the whole story. Remember to join up if you haven't already and to bookmark the site to your favorites.


 I have often wondered what it would feel like to have you scoop my long black hair away from my neck, holding it there with your hand, your long thick fingers cradling the base of my skull. I caress your cheek with the back of my fingers; your skin feels smooth and cool to the touch.  There is something about your eyes, which draw me in. One minute they are brown and dreamy, the next, they look dark and evil, as if you are showing that which lay buried deep inside you.
Growling, your eyes flashing wickedly, the grip you have on my neck tightens, as you tilt my head back slightly and to the side. I can feel the hot breath of your mouth as the two sharp teeth you wear with pride, pierce the skin on my neck, your luscious lips pressed tightly against me, causing tremors of excitement and anticipation to ripple through my body. My fingers undo the ponytail you wear so well and release that long mane of golden brown hair down your back. Running my fingers through the thick silkiness that I can imagine fanned out across my thighs or breasts. Your teeth slice into my neck, like a hot knife into butter. Dragging a long, low moan from my lips, you begin to suck the hot, tangy, metallic, coppery fluid from my vein. Greedily, gulping it down, hungering to warm the insides of your body, bringing a flush to your skin. Each gulp pulled from my vein causes the nub hidden between the moistness of my lips to throb in sympathy.

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