Between the Sheets

Between the Sheets
Artwork by Casey Johnson


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Monday, August 23, 2010

Last Chance To Vote.....

Okay my darling one's this is it.

The last day to vote on the poll as to how you want the website of Between the Sheets to be.

We are looking at changing it to a forum style, which means you will need to join the site (FREE off course) and then you can upload your own work onto it rather than emailing us to have it posted.

So I decided it was better to ask you the writers and readers what your preference would be.

At the moment we have 2 votes for the website to remain the same. 5 votes for it to be moved into a Forum style and 1 vote that didn't care which way it goes.

Please cast your vote and let me know how you want your site to be. Also if there is anything you want changed with it, or something you want to see more of, leave a comment or email us at

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